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From Maurice Blackson
Howard Scott talks about his life before coming to Central and the struggles he faced to earn his Master's degree. He also has advice for those seeking to implement… -
From Maurice Blackson
Chuck Zimchek talks about his work as a teacher, and later a school counselor on the Oregon coast. He then came to Central and worked for many years as a career… -
From Maurice Blackson
Staci Sleigh Layman talks about growing up in Washington and then coming to work for Central when her husband took a job here to Ellensburg to pursue her bachelor's…
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From Jon (LDAP) Belford
Central Washington University has eight campuses in addition to the residential campus in Ellensburg. The campuses offer upper division (300-400 level) courses in… -
From Jon Belford
0 likes 0Thursday, May 18: 10:30 am -12:00 pm, 1:15-2:00 pm, 3:15-4:00pm Friday, May 19: 9:00-11:00 am