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  • From Maurice Blackson

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    Howard Scott talks about his life before coming to Central and the struggles he faced to earn his Master's degree. He also has advice for those seeking to implement…
  • From Maurice Blackson

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    Chuck Zimchek talks about his work as a teacher, and later a school counselor on the Oregon coast. He then came to Central and worked for many years as a career…
  • From Maurice Blackson

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    Staci Sleigh Layman talks about growing up in Washington and then coming to work for Central when her husband took a job here to Ellensburg to pursue her bachelor's…
  • From Jon (LDAP) Belford

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    Central Washington University has eight campuses in addition to the residential campus in Ellensburg. The campuses offer upper division (300-400 level) courses in…
  • From Jon Belford

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    Thursday, May 18: 10:30 am -12:00 pm, 1:15-2:00 pm, 3:15-4:00pm Friday, May 19: 9:00-11:00 am
  • From Jon Belford

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