Search for tag: "administration"

Robert Perkins Video Interview

Robert Perkins talks about his time as a faculty member at Central Washington University where he taught Computer Science, Education, Family and Consumer Science, and later Recreation. He also talks…

From  Maurice Blackson 0 likes 4 plays 0  

2022 Graduate Hooding and Commencement

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From  Rick Spencer 0 likes 14 plays 0  

Central Washington University Commencement 2015 PM

A video recording of commencement ceremonies at Central Washington University.

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From  Maurice Blackson 0 likes 20 plays 0  

Central Washington University Commencement 2012 PM

A video recording of commencement ceremonies at Central Washington University.

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From  Maurice Blackson 0 likes 11 plays 0  

Rex Worth Video Interview

Rex Worth talks about getting his PHD from the University of Tennessee in Political Science in 1977, before coming to work at Central in 1983. He also discusses significant accomplishments while at…

+12 More
From  Jon (LDAP) Belford 0 likes 14 plays 0  

Scott Drummond and John Drinkwater Video Interview

John Drinkwater and Scott Drummond talk about their early life and work at Central Washington University. John started his career at Central as advisor to student government and later became…

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From  Maurice Blackson 0 likes 39 plays 0  

Lila Harper Video Interview

Lila Harper discusses her early life growing up in California and then moving to Oregon and later earning her PHD before coming to Central in 1989 and teaching in the English department. She also…

+21 More
From  Maurice Blackson 0 likes 25 plays 0  

2017 CWU Graduate Student Hooding Ceremony

2017 Master's Degree Hooding Ceremony at Central Washington University hosted by the School of Graduate Studies and Research. Recorderd at the CWU SURC, Friday, June 9, 2017.

+19 More
From  Jon (LDAP) Belford 0 likes 3 plays 0  

Hugh Spall Video Interview

Hugh Spall talks about his early life and attending the University of Montana in the 1960's. Hugh discusses his experiences earning advanced degrees. He also discusses coming to central and…

From  Maurice Blackson 0 likes 26 plays 0  

2012 CWU Commencement Ceremony PM

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From  Jon (LDAP) Belford 0 likes 22 plays 0  

2016 CWU Graduate Hooding Ceremony

The School of Graduate Studies and Research (SGSR) Hooding Ceremony to honor students receiving Master's Degrees and celebrate the successful completion of their degree.

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From  Jon (LDAP) Belford 0 likes 0 plays 0  

2015 CWU Commencement Ceremony AM

Graduates in the College of Arts and Humanities, College of the Sciences, and Interdisciplinary and Individual Study majors.

+20 More
From  Jon (LDAP) Belford 0 likes 7 plays 0  

2015 CWU Commencement Ceremony 2

Graduates in the College of Business and the College of Education and Professional Studies.

+19 More
From  Jon (LDAP) Belford 0 likes 22 plays 0  

George Frederick Video Interview

George Frederick discusses personal history, influential faculty and administration members, outstanding students, coaching sports at CWU, and being the director of athletics.

+19 More
From  Jon (LDAP) Belford 0 likes 14 plays 0  

Louis Kollmeyer Video Interview

Louis Kollmeyer taught in the art department at Central Washington University, 1958-1982.

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From  Jon (LDAP) Belford 0 likes 37 plays 0  

Edward Klucking Video Interview

Edward (Ed) Klucking taught in the biology and geology departments at Central Washington University from 1960 into the 1990s.

+19 More
From  Jon (LDAP) Belford 0 likes 1 plays 0