03:19duration 3 minutes 19 seconds
Zotero Lesson in 3 Minutes
A breif demonstration of Zotero bibliographic tool.
11:15duration 11 minutes 15 seconds
Finding Digital Primary Sources from CWU Databases
A brief demonstration of some of CWU Libraries primary source databases.
05:47duration 5 minutes 47 seconds
Demonstrating Tools of Gale Primary Source…
Demonstrating Tools of Gale Primary Source Databases
A brief demonstration of tools and features of Gale Primary Sources that CWU subscribes to.
02:10duration 2 minutes 10 seconds
Primary Sources Explained
Brief lecture about primary sources.
02:00duration 2 minutes 0 seconds
Game On Pilot
GAME ON! creates a unique learning opportunity for central Washington middle- and high-school students, educating them about core values as well as leadership, social, digital literacy and college…