Video demonstrating CWU Archives and Special Collections video digitization station assembled from surplus equipment.
Staci Sleigh-Layman talks about her various jobs at Central and the changes to her work during the pandemic. Discussion includes the Tuesday Talks series conducted during the lock-downs.
Classified and Exempt Employee Council celebrate and announce employees of the month for March, April, May, and June.
Annual Diversity Awards at CWU.
Central Washington University mental health counseling graduate student, Hengyu ҊonathanҠChi, has been selected for a Washington State Governorӳ Award. The significant statewide honor goes to…
At the 2015 Intercollegiate Broadcasting System Awards in New York City, KCWU-FM 88.1 The 'Burg took home the award for Best College Radio Station with more than 10,000 students enrolled. KCWU…
Jack Ness talks about his Scottish roots and his experiences in logging beginning circa 1907. Ness worked in log mills and camps around Post Falls, Idaho, before transitioning to Casland and Liberty,…