Search for tag: "cap"

Tauno Hill Audio Interview, part 3

Tauno Hill talks about his Finnish roots and parents, Anton Hill and Valva Perkinen Hill. He talks about how the family immigrated to Cle Elum, Washington, and his childhood, including chores,…

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From  Jon (LDAP) Belford 0 likes 9 plays 0  

Edward (Ed) Wakkuri Audio Interview, part 2

Edward (Ed) Wakkuri discusses his early life as a member of a Finnish-American family, touching on holidays, food, recipes, sauna culture, clothing, songs, language, schooling, and lodges. Wakkuri…

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From  Jon (LDAP) Belford 0 likes 20 plays 0  

Marie Burchak Audio Interview, part 5

Marie Budiselich Burchak (b. 1917 in Ronald, Washington) speaks about her family's Yugoslavian roots and cultural traditions. She describes schooling, cooking, languages, home remedies,…

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From  Jon (LDAP) Belford 0 likes 7 plays 0