Rex Worth talks about getting his PHD from the University of Tennessee in Political Science in 1977, before coming to work at Central in 1983. He also discusses significant accomplishments while at…
Ansel Taylor describes his career in logging at the beginning of the twentieth century. He speaks about river drives and Indian-white relations in the Swauk region of Washington state. He talks about…
Slava Gregorich discusses his family's immigration to Ronald, Washington. He talks about businesses in Ronald, as well as working conditions in the coal mines. He touches on the cost of coal,…
Albert Schober (married to Margurite Campbell) speaks in three separate interviews about life in Cle Elum, Washington, in the early twentieth century. He describes local transportation, taverns,…
Albert Schober (married to Margurite Campbell) speaks in three separate interviews about life in Cle Elum, Washington, in the early twentieth century. He describes local transportation, taverns,…
Jack Ness talks about his Scottish roots and his experiences in logging beginning circa 1907. Ness worked in log mills and camps around Post Falls, Idaho, before transitioning to Casland and Liberty,…
John Rigek talks about his family, the Rigeks and Klauses, and his work in the Northwestern Improvement Company coal mines at Cle Elum, Washington. He talks about shooting coal, working conditions in…