Lucia Harrison, is a Tacoma-based artist and professor emeritus of Art of Evergreen State College. She talks about creating the book, Consider What’s Lost: Cascade Foothills, River Canyons,…
Connect with your student leaders to discuss local issues, programs, upcoming events and more.
Connect with your student leaders to discuss local issues, programs, upcoming events and more.
Connect with your student leaders to discuss local issues, programs, upcoming events and more.
Connect with your student leaders to discuss local issues, programs, upcoming events and more.
Sharleen Woods talks about her work in the payroll office at Central Washington University. She worked for over 19 years in the payroll office. Sharleen was born and raised in Ellensburg.
2018 Graduate Hooding and Commencement Ceremony
Central Washington University mental health counseling graduate student, Hengyu ҊonathanҠChi, has been selected for a Washington State Governorӳ Award. The significant statewide honor goes to…
Welcome to the family at Central Washington University. CWU employs approx. 1500 employees and some of the staff say what they like about working at the university.
Interview with Vijay Singh, composer, and Scott Peterson, Director, of tribute song "Firefighters Creed".
Interview with Vijay Singh, composer, and Scott Peterson, Director, of tribute song "Firefighters Creed".
Ellensburg Commencement Ceremony Two
Ms. Kayla Schaffroth, receiving a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre Arts and graduating from the William 0. Douglas Honors College.
CWU grad student Michael Waytuck is harnessing the Ellensburg wind for his master's project. With the help of university staff, Waytuck installed a wind turbine on the roof of the Hogue…
More than 500 CWU students volunteer each year to clean up around Ellensburg. The biggest event for the past 42 years is the annual Yakima River Cleanup, sponsored by the CWU Center for Leadership…