This film was produced in 1952 by a naval veteran working on behalf of Mid-State Theaters. The film shows life in the towns where the theaters resided, with the "Ellensburg Story" featuring…
Bruce Leroy speaks about first contact between Native Americans and white settlers in central Washington state. He describes linguistic and cultural differences between the two groups.
Robert (Bob) Goedecke taught in the philosophy department at Central Washington University, 1970-1993.
In 1999, Tsungani (Fearon Smith, Jr.) carved a traditional Native American totem pole for Brooks Library in Ellensburg, Washington. At the time, Tsungani served as chief of the Wiummasgum Clan of…
Ansel Taylor describes his career in logging at the beginning of the twentieth century. He speaks about river drives and Indian-white relations in the Swauk region of Washington state. He talks about…
Ole Jordin talks about his family's roots in Ellensburg, Washington. He describes the Benson hanging, skirmishes with Native Americans, threshing, water disputes, law and order, a saloon…
Margaret Meaghers (b. 1890 in Swauk, Washington) discusses the history of Kittitas County and the town named after her family, Meagherville. Meaghers also discusses coal mining and the Chinese…
Alfred Hanson speaks about his childhood in the Swauk area of Washington state, and particularly about interactions between white settlers and Native Americans. He describes homesteading, gardening,…
Ole Jordin talks about his family's roots in Ellensburg, Washington. He describes the Benson hanging, skirmishes with Native Americans, threshing, water disputes, law and order, a saloon…
Ole Jordin talks about his family's roots in Ellensburg, Washington. He describes the Benson hanging, skirmishes with Native Americans, threshing, water disputes, law and order, a saloon…
Lelah Jordin talks about her parents, John Lockhart and Lucinda Emily Decker, and her childhood in Pendleton, Oregon, and Oaksdale, Washington. She talks about cooking, home remedies, clothing,…
Robert Bell, Sr. (b. 1887 in Hudson Bay, New York), arrived in Cle Elum, Washington, in 1888. Bob Bell describes gardening, fishing, and trapping, noting in particular Native American activities in…
Theodore (Ted) Rooks (b. 1903 in South Cle Elum, Washington) talks about his childhood and education at Hazelwood School. He talks about working in logging camps and about the impact of the…
Ethel Saxby?s parents arrived in Ellensburg, Washington, in 1913. She speaks about her father (b. 1858 in Missouri) and how the Civil War affected his family. Saxby talks about her teaching career…
Angela Mrak (b. 1899 in Austria) immigrated to the United States in 1923 and moved to Ronald, Washington, in 1928. She discusses growing up in Austria, her move to the United States, finally settling…