Search for tag: "roosevelt"

Alfred Hanson Audio Interview, part 7

Alfred Hanson speaks about his childhood in the Swauk area of Washington state, and particularly about interactions between white settlers and Native Americans. He describes homesteading, gardening,…

From  Jon (LDAP) Belford 0 likes 2 plays 0  

Ole Jordin Audio Interview, part 26

Ole Jordin talks about his family's roots in Ellensburg, Washington. He describes the Benson hanging, skirmishes with Native Americans, threshing, water disputes, law and order, a saloon…

From  Jon (LDAP) Belford 0 likes 1 plays 0  

Gilda Kauzlarich Audio Interview, part 2

Gilda Kauzlarich talks about her Italian roots, mentioning the Broccoli, Salvatore, and Lento families, who arrived in Roslyn, Washington, in the 1910s. She talks about life in an immigrant family…

From  Jon (LDAP) Belford 0 likes 34 plays 0  

Stella Walsh Audio Interview, 1983, part 14

Stella Walsh discusses her family?s background in homesteading and running the Walsh sawmill in the Teanaway River Valley, Washington, until 1908, when they moved the mill to Lake Cle Elum. Walsh…

From  Jon (LDAP) Belford 0 likes 5 plays 0  

Slava Gregorich Audio Interview, part 6

Slava Gregorich discusses his family's immigration to Ronald, Washington. He talks about businesses in Ronald, as well as working conditions in the coal mines. He touches on the cost of coal,…

From  Jon (LDAP) Belford 0 likes 6 plays 0